Hello, My name is Jeffery Forbes

I am an aspiring software engineer, looking for roles as an apprentice to enter the software industry. I primarily have experience with the following programming languages; HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as the frameworks and source-control management systems below.

My passion for coding developed out of boredom during the nationwide lockdown in May 2020. It started as a new and fun skill that I could develop and create personal projects that I had thought of but never had the technical skills to do so. This led to the first project that I completed after one week of learning HTML and CSS; I created a business website for my step-dad.

The journey I am on right now started with that business website. Having dropped out of University (studied Law) due to a combination of losing interest in my Law degree and a feeling of losing time after my grandmother passed away. I decided that University was not the place for me. After one year, I still was not sure what I wanted to do and begun trying different things. I initially started to compete in some minor esports tournaments for Rainbow Six Siege; then I moved on to video-making on YouTube. And finally to streaming before finding a footing in coding. I have not and do not intend to stop participating in these activities that I started instead, I have shifted them to hobbies.
In fact, I still compete in more entertaining games for a discord community which we streamed for charity and managed to raise over £1200. Additionally, I occasionally make videos and stream on twitch. However, my primary focus is on programming.

Mackim 's Website Header

Project 1:Mackim's Hair & Beauty Website

Description: This website is for my step dad's business and I will be continuing to develop and change the front-end side of it. I will also be looking to implement some back-end features such as a user database; to allow his customers to sign up for newsletter and appointment registrations regularly. Althought the site is up and running there are still some work to be done.

Challenges: N/A

Mackim's Health and Beauty
ToDo App image

Project 2: ToDo Application

Description: This project is a todo app that primarily utilises Javascript with some HTML and CSS on the frontend and bootstrap framework. This project should showcase my technical skills and knowledge acquired whilst on the Technical Talent Accelerator.

Challenges: N/A

To Do App

Project 3: Undecided

Desccription: Currently learning Ruby for my next project; but I have not decided what this will be as of yet but I will be regularly updating my website with more on my personal projects etc.

Challenges: N/A

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